Numerology books in india
Numerology books in india

The Astottaripaddhati is more common in the North. About 40 methods have been projected out of which the one known as ‘Vimsottaripaddhati’ has been more widely accepted, mostly in South India. Hence, determining and predicting the future is the most difficult part of Hindu astrology. The problem, however, is in interpreting their combined effect at a given point of time, which depends not only on the astrological calculations, but also on a certain degree of intuition. Each one of the seven planets, the two nodal points (designated as Rahu and Ketu) and the twenty-seven asterisms, has its own effect-good or bad-on the human being, depending upon the janmarashi and the janmakundali. The zodiac comprises the 12 rashis (from Mesha, or Aries to Mina or Pisces) in which the 27 nakshatras or asterisms (from Ashvini to Revati) are distributed.

numerology books in india

This is determined by mapping the janmarashi (the rashi or zodiacal sign) based on the nakshatra or asterism at the time of birth) and the janmalagna (the rashi in the eastern horizon at the time of sunrise, on the day of birth). The most important basis for this phala jyotisa or Hindu astrology is the belief that the stars and planets at the time of birth of a child, have a profound influence on its life, determining the duration of its life, general condition of its body and psyche, important events in its life and so on. If astronomy deals with the physical movement of the planets and the stars that are seen directly by the eye, astrology (the phala-jyotisa part of the science of luminary cosmic objects) deals with the unseen results and effects they have on our lives, to be experienced in course of time. Hindu astrology is generally known as ‘Phala Jyotisa’.

Numerology books in india